
Your writing course was one of the two really great courses I’ve attended in my career. Although the course was primarily about writing, I also use the skills and frameworks I learned to decide what is and isn’t relevant and crystallise the issues and the recommendations I make. I can get to the key points without getting bogged down in minutia. I also follow the framework when scoping reports. Clients have said I save them time during the scoping phase. Clients have also told me that my new approach to writing helps them clarify the issues at hand and makes my recommendations ‘a lot clearer’. They also say the approach is now customer-focused: I now consciously write for the reader. Also, I’m using much plainer, clearer and more concise language. I am also now able to write succinct executive summaries. I believe the quality of my summaries also saves the executives in my business time. They are free to focus only on the key points and can avoid drilling down into the detail. I have brought the skills with me to my new role and they’re being very well received.