About GumLeafGreen

What is GumLeafGreen

GumLeafGreen and GumLeafGreen Retreat help enhance the success and resilience of individuals, and the organisations they are part of, through excellent and efficient communication.

Through innovative training programs and consulting services, GumLeafGreen:

  • has developed a client base in all sectors and a wide range of industries across the globe
  • works with a wide range of individuals, from directors and CEOs of listed public companies to university students seeking internships.

GumLeafGreen brand story

Gum trees are among the most ancient and resilient trees on earth. They survive adversity by ‘self-pruning’. A gum tree will shed limbs to retain moisture within the rest of the tree, so it can survive drought. It’s just the normal thing that gum trees do. It’s a form of self-preservation. It’s a resilience strategy.

GumLeafGreen helps clients to survive and thrive in today’s challenging business environment by encouraging them and their organisations to ‘self-prune’. This often involves letting go of unhelpful, entrenched or traditional approaches to communicating, and replacing them with approaches that meet the ever-changing business landscape.


‘Eucalyptus is not only the universal Australian, it is the ideal Australian-versatile, tough, sardonic, contrary, self-mocking, with a deceptive complexity amid the appearance of massive homogeneity; an occupier of disturbed environment; a fire creature.’

Stephen Pine

Burning Bush: A Fire History of Australia